Geuder Solea RGB Lightsource


Innovative RGB technology for free color composition and visualization
of fine structures

16.7 million colors for individual color composition and contrast enhancement

RGB LED technology prevents harmful radiation in the UV or IR range without filters

Retinal protection mode minimizes phototoxic effects by deactivating the blue LED,
thus extending the safe surgery time to min. 30 min.

3 independent fiber optic outputs with up to 45 lm luminous flux each

Long durability of the LEDs with up to 60.000 h4

Only ophthalmic surgical light source with red LED
Easy to use

Intuitive handling thanks to 7“ multi touch display (proven PCAP technology – projective capacitive touch screen)

Individual user profiles and parameter settings

Auto-save function automatically saves the last values

Easy cleaning and wipe disinfection of the glass surface with protection class IP33 (including protection against spray water)

Color temperature from 3,000 – 6,000 K indirectly adjustable via color composition

Geuder Solea

CTA Produit
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