Geuder Megatron HPS

Modular Phaco-/Vitrectomy-System – Sophisticated technology for maximum performance

Take the lead in performing best. With sophisticated technology of the megaTRON S4HPS you can achieve maximum safety, effiency, rentability and flexibility.

The revolutionary hybrid pump system is only one of the numerous features which make the megaTRON S4HPS one of the most powerful ophthalmic surgery systems for the anterior and posterior segment. Its UNO Colorline MACH2 vitreous cutters enable cut rates of up to 12,000 cpm. The optional endolaser endoTRON®532 and xenon light source xenoTRON® III make the megaTRON S4HPS a fully equipped vitrectomy system.

A large variety of accessories for the anterior and posterior segment are perfectly matched to the megaTRON S4HPS to serve all applications.


Geuder Megatron

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